“CHINCHEX” is effective against highly resistant bed bugs, Can kill 100% bed bugs within 9 h, bed bugs can transfer “CHINCHEX” to other members of the aggregation
Dr. Alvaro Romero is Assistant Professor of Urban Entomology at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces. Romero has a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the National University of Colombia, a M.Sc. in Veterinary Entomology from Kansas State University, and a Ph. D. in Urban Entomology from the University of Kentucky. He has studied bed bugs since their resurgence particularly insecticide resistance, the impact of insecticides on bed bug behavior and development of integrated management tactics for this pest. Currently his bed bug research is focused on studying the mechanisms of insecticide resistance as well as the use of synergists to enhance the effectiveness of insecticides. Romero is Ad hoc member of the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel (FIFRA-SAP) to review issues related to methods for efficacy testing of bed bug pesticide products.

"ChinCheXⓇ is extremely good for bed bugs control"
Dr Richard Naylor, PhD University of Sheffield.
Dr Naylor is an entomologist from the University of Sheffield with more than 15 years of experience studying bed bugs. He is famous worldwide as one of the top scientists in the field of researching bed bugs.
He has performed extensive lab tests on ChinCheXⓇ, comparing it to the best products available around the world. These tests verified that ChinCheXⓇ has extremely potent efficacy. You can read the report for yourself here.

ChinCheXⓇ is highly efficient at killing Bed Bugs
Stephen L. Doggett is the Director of Medical Entomology at NSW Health Pathology in Sydney, Australia. He has over 30 years’ experience, He is the senior editor for ‘A Code of Practice for the Control of Bed Bugs in Australia', and the senior editor for the first academic text book on bed bugs for 50 years, 'Advances in the Biology and Management of Modern Bed Bugs'.
After testing the efficacy of CHINCHEX comparing it to other bed bug insecticides, he concludes: “ChinCheX is highly efficacious against susceptible and modern resistant strains of the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius. Furthermore, ChinCheX produces a much quicker kill than a product containing DED.”
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